The Chairman’s former office at the top of the car park has been commandeered and will be converted to a club shop and match day operations office ready for the start of the new season.
Volunteers have painted the office ready for a move into the stadium area next to the FanZone, where it will be connected to the electricity supply and have the Cheshunt FC badge and signage added.

Specialist lifting equipment was called for and careful planning, especially when manoeuvring past the turnstiles, where two fence panels were temporarily removed. The next batch of boxes to be sent off to help Ukrainian refugees was still inside on the desks. So good was the operation, not one box fell off the stack!

The shop will stock the hats, scarves, key rings and badges available today, along with printed match day programmes, and back copies. It will also hold a limited stock of the Cheshunt FC clothing range available online from our sports clothing & kit supply partner, O’Neills.
The Match Day operations office will enable the Match Day team to move out of the Boardroom and Facilities Office to their own space, helping to meet the new demands of life in the Vanarama National League South. Volunteers and Club Officials will be able to prepare pre match documentation, post the team selections on a screen ,and get match reports distributed to meet press deadlines.

There will be plenty more voluntary work getting the ground ready for both Community Day, our Pre Season Matches, and most importantly our Vanarama League debut on August 6th. Flags are being ordered for the Fan Zone, and a Fans sticker board for visitors to mark their attendance (in addition visiting supporters are invited to bring a scarf and we will add it the the Fan Zone throughout the season ) , There is always something needs painting, fixing, and of course some of the dreaded weeding. Look out for the shout outs for help here and on Twitter, and if you have a good idea, please do let us know, we don’t want to see Paul’s list of jobs run out.
C’mon You Ambers !