Volunteers & Staff.
The Theobalds Lane pitch has had three senior teams playing on it this season, again, and this year despite the ‘Cheshunt Wave’ looks the best it has been for some years. It’s been a challenge for Groundsman Sam & Assistant Max, but along with Tim’s knowledge of the pitch and the weather the guys managed to get it ready for the rearranged games without us having to go beyond the Saturday / Tuesday sequence. Thank You Sam, Thank You Max. Thank You Tim.

The new shop has been a great success, combining well with the online shop provided by kit supplier O’Neills, it has been a regular source of income reported by organiser Paul Forsey & manned expertly (despite all the boxes of old programmes) by Sarah, Thank You both. Often found on the other side of the shop are photographers Scott Lear & Amy Eve, both have had their work in the local press this season, Amy has been recognised by Herts FA & both have numerous pictures displayed on the club web site, that they provide to us for free. Indeed Scott also contributes to the running & updating of the web site often looking up information & pictures into the small hours to keep us informed. Along with the still photography, our obligations to the National League have required us to record all matches & publish them within 24 hours of the final whistle. Ben Hajdu has recorded matches & UCFB Videographer Alex Hardy has provided VEO assistance & the Thursday interviews with Craig. Finally Emily has provided the club with a fresh and more ‘with it’ approach to social media, managing Facebook, Insta, Twitter & Website entries. Thank You to you all for your support keeping everyone informed.

It has been mentioned on a number of occasions, again visiting new grounds has been an eye opener as far as ground management is concerned, with some clubs opting for an army of professional stewards, and some operating on a volunteer basis. Cheshunt FC have taken the advice of professionals at API & they are often in attendance, along with the Community Police Officer. However we couldn’t operate without the volunteer stewards who man gates, changing rooms & key areas on a match day to ensure everyone enjoys the experience. So Thank You to the stewards, most of us can take cover in inclement weather, you guys grit your teeth & get on with it, Thank You.
Behind the boardroom door, meetings have taken place with Mind, the NHS & Samaritans to form a Club Well Being programme overseen by Tony Madden. Lorraine has hosted Officials, FA & League reps and Opposition Directors, and served the delicious meals created by Terri for every home match. The demands of delivering hot meals pre match for the boardroom & post match for players has been challenging, and not just met by Terri, but exceeded, Thank Yous here too.
Also behind that boardroom door the monthly meetings of the ‘Committee’ with the Directors takes place. The time, effort & commitment that goes into the content of these meetings is largely unseen, but goes a long way to keeping the club moving forward. The re introduction of a printed programme has been well received in many quarters & Jim Tuite has put a lot of effort into this success, Nigel Griffiths , an ex player with Brentwood FC and now still a practising FA qualified referee, does a great job keeping us on the right side of the Leagues & the FA, registering players, reorganising fixtures, booking coaches, answering charges. Neil, as Match Treasurer keeps us all informed of the incomings & outgoings every month, makes sure the turnstiles are manned and ensures referees are paid. Howard looks after Communications, trying to keep up with Craig’s registration of players, hopes to ask the questions we want to hear answers to, and keeps us out of social media squabbles, while trying to ensure we have a positive image in the press. General Manager Ria runs our very successful facilities and liaises with other local businesses to ensure we are up to date, operating ‘best practice’ and meet so many different regulations, it’s a wonder how she fits it all in.

Fletch & George update on Youth activity & share their knowledge on so many topics, having been at the heart of the club for so long. So to the Directors, Glenn ‘two apps short’ Williamson has driven the new kit procurement, including that very special away shirt, and the stock in the shop. When did you meet the owner of a Football Club with a paint brush in his hand? if its not a paint brush, then a tape measure, a fork, a hose, screwdriver, or drill. How great is it we have Lee Williamson prepared to put up fences, stands, changing rooms, streetlamps, and paint them all ! when all we have to do is to keep him in club ties!
At the wheel presiding over all of this activity is of course Chairman Dean, master of so many diverse skills needed to steer this club forward towards the vision of Cheshunt Sports Village, from negotiating with suppliers, councils & football administrators to successful grant submissions & financing.
Thank you to all of the people who provide their skills, time, and commitment to ensure we have a club worth supporting each week.