Well-being at Cheshunt FC
Cheshunt FC are proud supporters of Well-being and have a number of ongoing initiatives in our community supporting and promoting Good Mental Health.

Since 2021, Cheshunt FC have had an ongoing relationship with our local Samaritans group and Mind Hertfordshire Network. Both organisations have presented their work to Cheshunt FC Staff, Players & Supporters from time to time, in return Cheshunt FC provide fundraising, promotion through advertising, and a platform to share their work in the community.
The Samaritans have given us excellent insights into their work, making it very clear that they are most definitely not just a ‘last resort’. They would very much prefer to hear from people early, and share with them the support available before times become too desperate.
Mind Hertfordshire Network run an office locally in Waltham Cross, and can help us individually with a wide range of mental health issues, as well as providing training and awareness courses to the business, public & voluntary sectors in our community.
Please click the links to find out more about both organisations, or look out for their business cards around the Sports Bar, Shop & Media Office.
In 2022, Cheshunt FC built on their support of Well-being in the community when we formed a partnership with the Broxbourne Alliance Primary Care Network. This partnership provided the Social Prescribers, Health & Well-being Coaches & Pharmacist with the opportunity to ‘prescribe’ matches at Cheshunt FC and participation in Walking Football for clients needing safe spaces to socialise, meet new people and exercise. The services are advertised on Broxbourne Frontline
Broxbourne Frontline is an on line library of services available in the borough, ranging from Citizens Advice, Care, Advisory, Finance, Safety, & Exercise. click the logo to view the library. It enables the public & professionals to securely refer themselves or clients to the services advertised.
The latest promotion of Well-being sees the club hosting a series of evenings looking at how we can understand & manage our mental health. With guest speakers each week we look to cover diet & nutrition, sleep, the importance of exercise, communication and where to find support (see the flyer below). The programme opens the club to new visitors who we hope will enjoy their time here & join us for match days too.

You may have visited Cedars Park, across the road from Cheshunt FC at some point in time? Did you know there is a thriving ‘ Men’s Sheds’ community meeting on Wednesday mornings in the park?
They have been refurbishing the park benches, making bird & owl boxes, keeping the park tidy & even make their own honey, from the beehives they maintain in the park. We have established a link with the group & they will now be guest speakers at our Well-being programme too.
Call in for a chat any Wednesday morning, 09:30 to 13:00 , ask for Rob or Andy. Click on the links to find out more.
Have you seen the TV adverts promoting Good Mental Health? The Vinnie Jones at Chelsea, and the Norwich City versions were very thought provoking, worth looking up! We enjoyed them and so in association with UCFB student Daniel Foster & Cheshunt supporters Barney & Urch we had a go at making one too. You can enjoy it below
If you would like to know more about Well-being at Cheshunt FC please ask Well-being Co Ordinator Howard, Mental Health Advisor Tony at a match or via